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Damper Bushes

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Damper Bushes are mounted to Frame of Damper for smooth and friction free movement of damper blade shafts. They are  made out of  PVC, Nylon, brass and broze.


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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Damper Side Seal, Air Grill Parts, Builder Hardware, C. G. F Corner, Damper Bushes, Damper Linkages, Damper Quadrant, Duct Corners, Heavy Pipe Aclamps, Insulation Fixing Pins, Metal Press Components, P. I. R. Duct Accessories, Pipe Clamps, Precision Press Components, Press Components, Press Metal Components, Press Parts, Products, Sheet Metal Components, Sheet Metal Parts, Sheet Metal Press Components, Spindles And Spindle Bracket, Spring Brackets, Stamping Parts, T. D. F Corner